IOWA BLACK POWDER FEDERATION March 7, 2015 -- 12:30 p.m. PLEASANT HILL PUBLIC LIBRARY 5151 Maple Drive, Pleasant Hill, IA 50327 MINUTES
The Iowa Black Powder Federation March 7, 2015 meeting was called to order by Roger Eichelberger, President, at 12:30 p.m.
Board Members Present: Roger Eichelberger, President, Jim Jaskoviak, Vice President, Norma Holcomb, Secretary/Treasurer, Tom Mowrer, Chris Milligan, Leon Curran, Bill Shipley
Board Members Absent: Terry KAMSTRA, DOC ZIERKE
IBPF Members Present: Keith and Marcia Stahl, Mike Podhajsky, Oscar Holcomb.
AGENDA: The meeting agenda was passed out for approval. Tom Mowrer made motion to accept the agenda as written, seconded by Bill Shipley. All approved. Motion carried.
MINUTES of last meeting (November 1, 2014) was passed out and read. Leon Curran made motion to accept the minutes as read, seconded by Chris Milligan. All approved. Motion carried.
FINANCIAL REPORT was given by Norma Holcomb for the year beginning with November 1 to present. After discussion Jim Jaskoviak made motion to accept the financial report, seconded by Bill Shipley. All approved. Motion carried.
YHEC/DNR report was given by Bill Shipley. Dates are June 12-14, 2015. Bill said he would need a helper to load rifles, as Jim Sanders who has helped him for many years recently passed away after a short illness. Tom Mower volunteered to check his schedule to see if he could help. Bill and Tom exchanged phone numbers.
IOWA GAMES report by Tom Mowrer. Pistol shooting for the Iowa Games will be a part of the IBPF All Pistol Shoot scheduled for Jefferson, Iowa. A page regarding Iowa Games will be sent with the pistol flyers. Rifle shooting will be held at the Collins range. Question with discussion if a person could shoot the same target and have it score for both Iowa Games and IBPF shoot. Tom will ask the person in charge of shooting sports and get back to the board with an answer.
2015 STATE CHUNK GUN SHOOT To be held at the Beaver Creek Plainsmen range Saturday, June 6, 2015. Roger Eichelberger asked what ages could attend and shoot. Jim Jaskoviak replied “any age is welcome”.
2015 STATE ALL PISTOL SHOOT to be held August 1 and 2, 2015 at the Raccoon Valley Muzzleloaders Range, Jefferson, IA. This shoot includes the Iowa Games as stated prior in the minutes.
2015 STATE RIFLE SHOOT will be held August 7th, 8th, 9th, 2015 at the Beaver Creek Plainsmen range located Collins, IA. This shoot includes the black powder rifle event for the Iowa Games.
2016 State Rifle Shoot will be held at the range of the SE Iowa Sportsman’s range (aka Shipley’s).
2017 State Rifle Shoot. On behalf of the Beaver Creek Plainsmen’s club, Norma Holcomb reported the club would sponsor the 2017 State rifle shoot.
2015 STATE BLACK POWDER CARTRIDGE shoot will be held August 14,15 and 16, 2015 at the home range for the Pine Ridge Rifle Club, Steamboat Rock, IA.
2015 STATE HAWK & KNIFE THROW will be held Sunday, September 6th, 1:00 p.m., at the Smokey Ridge Muzzleloaders range, Steamboat Rock, IA. At the November meeting Bill Shipley said he would donate the “give away” hawk and Jim Jaskoviak would see that it was engraved. Keith Stahl said to let him know 2 weeks ahead of time if we needed anything different from last year. We will be in the same location at the range.
2015 STATE SHOTGUN SHOOT will be held September 25, 26 and 27, 2015 at Marshalltown, IA. There will only be night shooting on Saturday night only. (NOT Friday and Saturday as in the past.)
RAFFLE REPORT was given by Raffle Chairman Tom Mowrer. The raffle tickets are in the mail to all IBPF members. The winning rifle and pistol tickets will be drawn at the end of the Hawk and Knife Throw. If anyone has an idea for 2016 raffle item, please see Tom Mowrer with your suggestions.
2015 SCHOLARSHIP. Essay was read. Chris Milligan made motion the IBPF gives $350.00 to Ryan Scott (son of IBPF member John Scott) of Eldridge, IA, seconded by Jim Jaskoviak.
IBPF WEBSITE Peter Sheets is our webmaster and if you have any shoots or scheduling you need to send information to him.
IBPF POSTAL MATCH targets have been sent to all members. Shoot your targets and send to Jim Jaskoviak.
NMLRA 1 of 1000 Program is an endowment of the National Muzzle Loading rifle Association. The idea was to create a $1,000,000 endowment fund to support the Association. The funds are placed in a permanently restricted endowment fund. The principal will not be used for the general operation. This to ensure the long term viability of the organization and help it to prosper. Jim Jaskoviak made motion to support the 1 of 1000 program by sending $1,000 to the NMLRA organization for the second time, seconded by Chris Milligan. All approved. Motion carried.
Next IBPF meeting will be held Saturday, November 1, 2015, 12:30 p.m., Pleasant Hill Library, 5151 E. Maple Drive, Pleasant Hill, IA
Bill Shipley made motion for meeting to adjourn, Leon Curran seconded the motion. All approved. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.
Submitted by Norma Holcomb IBPF Secretary 515-262-4712 or 515-979-37446 4216 E. Douglas Avenue Des Moines, IA 50317-8020